Building a brand requires more than just a logo or symbol with a nice name to it. And although it is part of it, but isn’t the entirety of it.
For the most part, branding demands an identity – which is the totality of your brand – in itself. That includes your logo, mission statement, your value proposition, tag line, product packaging, content (offline and online), core values, customer service and a warehouse of other ‘stuff’ associated with your brand. Ideally, that implies that the little detail of your delivery service is just as significant.
To a vast extent, these inform that branding as a concept is personality, style and charisma. In simpler terms, your company really does leave an impression on your existing and prospective customers. Talk more of potential investors looking out for business partnerships; your branding art is what will sway them and have them come your way. After all, you wouldn’t see a properly structured brand and go for one that isn’t well defined. Preposterous!
Yes! There’s no denying. Branding sounds like too much work. But fortunately, you have now gotten the cue, and that’s your consolation to go all in.
Whether or not, you’re new to business, here are winning strategies to reconsider and apply;
Invest in market research
The journey to branding begins with knowing exactly who your target audience is and taking drastic actions towards meeting the needs that they have. In this context, branding then implies relevance. And that’s not all.
More than that, you need to distinguish yourself/ your brand from the rest of the pack. That includes offering some service that your competition doesn’t already provide.
Don’t forget to keep the SWOT analysis up your sleeve. If your branding must be successful, then you need to check all the dynamics there is to your brand.
Get your basic elements together
Your brand logo, colour, type, templates etc. should be cohesive for any Tom to understand. More than that, they should remain consistent on all platforms and preach the same ‘gospel’ throughout. That’s one quality that retains customers in one kind of way.
In another, flexibility is the spot on! While consistency may get boring, flexibility seals the deal. And that’s because everyone is looking for the in-fashion in town. No one wants to be affiliated with what’s outdated, and that’s why you should always be creative around your brand. Keep up with new trends and carve your brand around them. It’s flexibility or nothing!
Let your voice be heard
The marketplace is filled with so much noise that it’s hard to distinguish one brand from another. You shouldn’t join in the din!
Work instead on telling your story through your brand (there’s no one that doesn’t love stories along with all the mystery). Get colorful, energetic ads out. Offer great content. Go for ritzy, professional language, if you need to. Make banters online, to lighten things up and connect with your tribe.
Whatever you decide, ensure that your voice is well crafted to match the personality of your brand.
Track your progress
When all that has been settled, you should monitor how well you’re doing on your track. Google Analytics is a tool that can help you do that. Alternatively, social media discussions, comments etc. can keep you in the know, and prompt you to take actions necessary for your brand.
Branding is about creating experiences and building long-standing relationships. Your customers shouldn’t just remain customers. You could connect more with them on personal levels, and you can be sure that they would turn into raving fans.
But that would only happen when they can trust you. So how you should work? Conduct your market research, identify and meet needs, be strategic on the web, be innovative; and most importantly, don’t lose sight of your records.